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Unraveling the Impact of Fatphobia and What Organizations Can Do About It - Part 3: The Detrimental Impact of Fatphobia on Women

Jan 08, 2024
A stethoscope on a chalkboard with the word


In the third installment of our series focusing on fatphobia, we will discuss the detrimental impact of fatphobia on women. If you missed Part 1 and Part 2 of the series, just click on the links.

Fatphobia, which is deeply rooted in societal norms, affects various dimensions of women’s lives. From elevated levels of anxiety to its impact on self-esteem, fatphobia often leaves an indelible mark on women. It strains interpersonal relationships, limits career opportunities, and perpetuates unequal treatment.

In this segment, I will discuss the many forces in our society that perpetuate fatphobia and the detrimental impact they have on women.


The Pressure to Conform to Unrealistic Thinness Standards

Fatphobia plays a significant role in fostering a negative body image among women, leading to dissatisfaction with their bodies and diminished self-esteem. The unrelenting societal pressure to conform to unrealistic thinness standards exacerbates this issue, creating an atmosphere of constant comparison and heightened feelings of inadequacy.

The pervasive influence of "the diet culture" further compounds the problem. The relentless promotion of restrictive diets and unrealistic body ideals establishes an environment where women may feel compelled to conform, often at the expense of their physical and mental well-being.

These factors, combined with others, underscore the profound impact of fatphobia on women's mental and emotional well-being. It molds their self-perception in ways that are detrimental to their overall health, confidence, and sense of self-worth. Constant exposure to unrealistic beauty standards and societal preferences for a specific body type can elevate levels of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues among women.

Clearly, as a society, there is a pressing need to embrace a more nuanced and body-positive approach—one that prioritizes overall health and well-being over unrealistic and potentially harmful standards.


The Role of the Media in Perpetuating Narrow Beauty Ideals

We cannot underscore the media’s significant role in reinforcing unrealistic beauty standards. The media's failure to showcase diverse body sizes deepens the problem, leaving women with a sense of invisibility and underrepresentation.

When the images and narratives portrayed in the media predominantly focus on a narrow range of body types, it not only perpetuates unrealistic beauty standards but also reinforces the feeling of exclusion among women whose bodies don't conform to those ideals.

These dynamics underscore the significant role the media plays in shaping societal norms and it highlights the urgency of promoting more inclusive representations to counteract the damaging impact of narrow beauty ideals on women's perceptions of themselves.


The Role of Intersectionality in Shaping Career Opportunities

Individuals can experience biases due to their race, sexual orientation, disability, or many other aspects of their identity. When different types of our identity overlap, this is called intersectionality, a term coined in 1989 by law professor, Kimberle Crenshaw. Her research shows that people with three or more marginalized identities often experience what is called “compounded discrimination.”

For example, compared to white women, women of color receive less support from managers, get less access to senior leaders, and are promoted more slowly. A similar dynamic holds for LGBTQ+ women. Research shows that lesbians have a harder time securing employment than women in general.

So, it is worth noting that the impact of fatphobia becomes particularly pronounced when entwined with other forms of discrimination, such as racism and sexism, giving rise to unique challenges for those women who have to navigate multiple layers of societal bias.

Women who belong to multiple marginalized groups often find themselves at the crossroads of various oppressive systems where the negative stereotypes associated with body size inevitably intersect with other marginalized identities.

A woman of color who also identifies as a member of the LGBTQ+ community will face not only the negative stereotypes surrounding body type but also those associated with race and sexual orientation. This intersectionality not only compounds the challenges faced by women but also underscores the need for dismantling systemic biases.

Addressing fatphobia within the broader context of intersecting oppressions is essential for fostering a more equitable and just society. We need to recognize and understand the complex ways in which various forms of discrimination overlap and how they are impacting women’s experiences.


Additional Thoughts

It is not hard to see that the impact of fatphobia does extend to professional realms. Discrimination based on appearance can limit career opportunities for women, affecting their chances of success and advancement. The consequences will, no doubt, be fewer job prospects, unequal pay, and a general lack of recognition for their skills and talents, irrespective of their actual capabilities.

The insidious nature of fatphobia demands a comprehensive societal shift in attitudes towards body diversity. Challenging and dismantling these ingrained biases is crucial for fostering an environment where women can flourish without the need to conform to unrealistic body standards and media expectations.

Recognizing and rejecting fatphobia is not just a matter of personal empowerment; it is a collective responsibility that paves the way for a more inclusive and supportive society for women of all body types.


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